Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Homeward Bound (sort of)

Some time last semester I made the decision that I was going to make a trip home in the summer to visit my family and friends. I was super hesitant about it at first because I've never been away from Joe for more than 2 days or so. Ever since April when I booked my ticket home, this has been weighing on me. On the one hand, I'm so excited to see my family and friends back in Kansas. On the other, leaving Joe just bums me out. This weekend though, I got a little extra incentive for traveling home:
I have a sweet new nephew!!!! William Don Clark was born just before midnight on July 2nd. I am so excited to meet this little guy! As a proud aunt, I have the best job EVER. I get to hold, cuddle and spoil my new little nephew then give him back when he poops or cries :) So excited!

*Side note: My trip home would not be possible without my awesome sister, Stephanie, who got members of my family to all chip in and pay for my ticket home-not to mention the chunk of change she donated herself. Thanks sis!!

*Side note #2: I am excited to see all my family including my other niece and nephew. William gets the special blog post because he is 6lbs of cute wrapped in a blanket. No one else in my family fits that description at the moment :)