Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 2 (or Day 1, Part 2 if you want to get technical)

Day 2: What has been better than you expected?

My time in Dominica has been full of pleasant and unexpected surprises, but if I had to pick just ONE thing that has been better than I expected, it would be the sunsets. The sunsets here are like nothing I have ever seen before. They are so bright and colorful and each one is different from the last. After 13 months of living here, I can honestly say that I have not tired of them one bit. In fact, I have begun restraining myself from going outside and snapping pictures of the sunset every night because I have SO MANY pictures of Dominican sunsets that its getting a bit ridiculous.
Though the sunsets are simply gorgeous no matter where you are in Dominica, I've gotten an extra special view for the last 6 months since we moved to an apartment that sits right on the beach. Nearly every night at about 6:30pm, I take a break from whatever I am doing and go sit outside for a bit to watch the sun dip down below the horizon. It is absolutely one of the most breathtaking and peaceful things I have ever experienced. I am going to miss those sunsets very very much when I'm no longer living on this little island.

view from my porch

Sitting on the beach in front of my apartment

Blog Challenge!

My friend Katie, a fellow spouse down here, came up with this fun blogging challenge called "10 Days in Dominica." The challenge actually started yesterday, October 1st, but, in true island fashion, I am late. Woops. Anyway, look for 2 posts today and then hopefully I'll be back on track.

Day 1: What do you miss most about home?

Without question, the thing I miss most about home is my family. I know that sounds corny, but it's true. My family is crazy and awesome and I miss sharing life with them! I miss hanging out with my siblings and laughing 'til I cry at completely childish humor. I miss weekend fish fries at my dad's house. I miss random trips to the store with my mom that always take 3 times as long as they should because we both get easily distracted. I miss talking with my amazing 91-year-old grandma and soaking up her wisdom about life. I miss holding my sweet baby nephew and watching him grow. I miss hearing my niece tell silly jokes that don't make any sense. I miss teasing my little brother and nephew and watching them get totally embarrassed by me. I miss being able to attend my little brother's football games and school events. Most of all I miss being surrounded by people that love me unconditionally and understand who I am and where I've been (because they were raised by the same crazy parents too!). Sure, I can email my family and talk to them on the phone, but I am counting the days until I get to be back with them in person. It's true there is no place like home, but there is also NOTHING like your family!

In no particular order, the things I miss just slightly less than my family are as follows: air conditioning, driving my own car, Target, fancy pants grocery stores, and hair salons.