(Note: this is not what my church in Dominica really looks like)
Then, I tagged along with Joe while he went to study. I sat next to him and read and tried my best to not be distracting. I'm reading Keeping Faith by Jodi Picoult right now, so far I really like the book. Perhaps I will tell you all about it when I am finished. Next, I met with my friend, Nicole, for a coffee date and some much needed girl talk. I had a caramel apple muffin and a latte for "lunch" while we filled nearly 3 hours with conversation.
(Sadly, my latte was not this pretty, but it was still pretty tasty.)
After my coffee date, I walked down to the beach, found a comfy spot to sit and pulled my book back out. I read, enjoyed the sound of the waves, and sipped on a fresh grapefruit juice for a good hour or so until the sun started to set. I marvelled at the sunset for a few minutes, as I do pretty much every evening here, then packed up and headed home.
(This picture, unlike the others in this post, is genuine. Its a picture I took of an actual sunset in Dominica, not an image I found on Google)
On my way home, I had this sudden craving for a tuna salad sandwich. For most people, this wouldn't be that unusual, but I have spent my ENTIRE life hating both canned tuna and mayonnaise. And when I say hate, I mean H-A-T-E. Like, just the smell of either one usually makes me wretch and gag. When I opened the can of tuna and the jar of mayonnaise, I still felt a little repulsed, but the finished product just sounded so good! So I carried on with my tuna salad making and devoured the entire thing. I am still not sure what got into me. No, I'm not pregnant. I'm thinking more along the lines of possible brain tumor or serious head trauma which has caused me to suddenly begin liking absolutely repulsive food products.
(Even now, this sandwich still looks tasty to me. What is going on with my tastebuds?!)
After my tuna salad sandwich endeavors, I pretty much just laid low the rest of the night, watched some silly reality TV and enjoyed a peaceful night at home.
So there you have it, my Sunday in a nutshell. I hope you were both captivated and spell bound by the recap of my daily adventures. I know I was.