My friend Katie, a fellow spouse down here, came up with this fun blogging challenge called "10 Days in Dominica." The challenge actually started yesterday, October 1st, but, in true island fashion, I am late. Woops. Anyway, look for 2 posts today and then hopefully I'll be back on track.

Day 1: What do you miss most about home?
Without question, the thing I miss most about home is my family. I know that sounds corny, but it's true. My family is crazy and awesome and I miss sharing life with them! I miss hanging out with my siblings and laughing 'til I cry at completely childish humor. I miss weekend fish fries at my dad's house. I miss random trips to the store with my mom that always take 3 times as long as they should because we both get easily distracted. I miss talking with my amazing 91-year-old grandma and soaking up her wisdom about life. I miss holding my sweet baby nephew and watching him grow. I miss hearing my niece tell silly jokes that don't make any sense. I miss teasing my little brother and nephew and watching them get totally embarrassed by me. I miss being able to attend my little brother's football games and school events. Most of all I miss being surrounded by people that love me unconditionally and understand who I am and where I've been (because they were raised by the same crazy parents too!). Sure, I can email my family and talk to them on the phone, but I am counting the days until I get to be back with them in person. It's true there is no place like home, but there is also NOTHING like your family!
In no particular order, the things I miss just slightly less than my family are as follows: air conditioning, driving my own car, Target, fancy pants grocery stores, and hair salons.
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